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Hartsfield recognized as 2020 Main Street Hero 

Main Street Hero LC. HARTSFIELD - MAIN STREET BLYTHEVILLE Mr. Hartsfield has been instrumental in keeping the local Main Street program viable during difficult times. During executive director position vacancies, LC. stepped up without hesitation, until the position was filled. Mr. Hartsfield attended required trainings during, these times at his own expense, refusing to accept any compensation. He has netted over 500 volunteer hours annually with Main Street Blytheville, and has tirelessly worked with city leaders to secure funding and grants for programs and special events. Mr. Harsfield's efforts have encouraged the preservation of the downtown historic district by providing support to the Blytheville Historic District Commission, enhancing the understanding of district guidelines and procedures by district stakeholders and coordinating the Certified Local Government program. Additionally, he has worked diligently for two years to secure downtown Blytheville as a destination for the National Antique Bus Tour, a successful event that coincided with the Main Street Blytheville annual Chili-Cook Off Festival, bringing new visitors to downtown Blytheville.

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