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Happy Valentine's Day to Tracy and Gracie Ganus

Congratulations to Tracy and Gracie Ganus! They're the winners of our Show Us Your Sweetie contest. They will receive Dinner For Two at the Bistro Eleven 21 and an overnight stay at the Holiday Inn in Blytheville. They had the most Likes on their photo at 7 p.m. tonight with 45. Gracie is trying to surprise Tracy so don't say anything! Here's why Gracie said she wanted to win. "Wedding day almost 43 years ago. Not many marriages these days will last that long. Marriage is a take and give situation. We began dating end of April 1977 and married on September 10, 1977 with many saying it would never last. It’s too soon but we knew what love we had for each other. It was rocky but rocks can build a strong foundation and we’ve made it work. Forty two years, five months, 2 wonderful kids, 5 extremely wonderful grandkids later and we are still going strong."

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