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Gosnell School Honors Veterans

Melinda Martin got a call from the Gosnell Jr High today. It was a teacher( Mr. Ritter), with a message for me to stop by the school office today. I was thinking that Addey got caught with her phone or something like that. And I would need to go pick it up.

That being said, I was surprised by a American Flag box. I looked inside and found two certificates and a folded American Flag. I was surprised that he had gotten Senator John Boozman to fly a American Flag over the United States capital for my time in Iraq.

I look over and there is a stack of these boxes for other students that had parents served. This teacher has only met me once since my daughter switched to Gosnell. We have never talked but he did call Melinda to thank me for my service on Veterans Day.

This meant so much to me, that a teacher would care for the veterans and their children. I just wanted to say thank you to the teacher and Gosnell Schools.

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